Fees Caribbean Netherlands
Application fees Basic fee for individual trademark, up to a max. of three classes |
USD 310 |
Renewal Basic fee for individual trademark, up to a max. of three classes |
USD 335 |
Modifications Transfer or transition, license, right of pledge or attachments
Entry of a limitation of goods and services Change of agent, including designation procedure after registration of the application
Change of name and/or address of applicant, agent, trademark proprietor or licensee Correction of writing errors attributable to the holder after registration
free of charge
Other Copies
International fees
USD | |
Application international trademark registration | 103 |
International trademark registration | 103 |
Renewal international trademark registration | 103 |
The fee for BOIP examening and handling (‘forwarding’) your international application is 103 USD. In addition, the basic fee for an international registration and the fees for registering your trademark in the relevant countries apply (current fees per country can be found at www.wipo.int). You can use the WIPO fee calculator to calculate the cost of an international registration.
Account details
Account number: 402.880.05
Maduro & Curiel's Bank, Bonaire
Account holder: BOIP
Do you have questions about the fees or account details? Please contact our Information Centre.